Lemon Chamomile Hair Glow Catcher
Last week I taught a Make & Take class in the dark.
Thirty minutes into the event, I'm chatting away about oil quality and why it matters, and then the sky turned mustard yellow.

My ladies jumped up from my dining room table and ran to the windows to watch a roller of a thunderstorm coming across our lake. Branches were thrown against the windows and doors, the 60mph winds tore the limbs of a 50-year-old tree just feet from where I was teaching, and then BOOM. Power out for eight hours.

This was one for the books.
I'm so inspired by the women I meet in this work. They can rally, and have fun even in the midst of a mini hurricane...gosh durnit. We finished our class by candlelight and cell phone flashlights. I don't think I've ever worked with such an engaged, fun group before. We sipped sangria in the dark and whipped up: Lavender & Copaiba Body Butter, Peppermint Sugar Scrub, and Lemon Chamomile Hair Glow Catcher.

Let's talk about that Glow.
I am a brunette with Northern Italian and Irish genes, so when my hair lightens naturally in the summer sun, I get red highlights - "a twinge of ginge" as my friend in the UK says. For my blonde friends, their highlights may turn golden or flaxen. How cool and creative is God when it comes to hair?!

During the summer, I used to apply chemicals to my scalp that would enhance my highlights and give me a glow. We're not using that crap anymore. John Freida's Sheer Blonde Highlight Activating Shampoo tests at a 5 (out of 10 with 10 being very toxic) on the EWG.org's website. It's crime? Allergies, immunotoxicity, and organ system toxicity.

The heck?!
Here's Another Thought
We all know that lemon has been used for centuries to lighten hair. Women have also used calming chamomile tea as a wash to lighten strands. I love the chamomile idea, but spraying lemon juice on my hair just sounded harsh. Enter lemon oil. I use Young Living because I know that there are no petrochemicals, fillers, extenders, or alcohols in my bottle - its just cold pressed lemon peels. I cannot recommend any other oil brand to you, and since we are talking about an oil that is photosensitive, I would urge you not to use any other oil brand. Lemon oil is one of the cheapest oils from YL. This is the time to go with the best.

But First: Safety.
Did you know that lemons make things photosensitive? This is very important to note because if you apply lemon or citrus juices and/or essential oils to your skin and spend time in the sun (or in a tanning bed) your skin will become very sensitive to the rays and you will be burned. Do NOT put citrus essential oils or juices on your skin and go in the sun. Period. This is a dumb, dangerous thing to do. There you've been told. 

I have easy directions below for how to use this spray. If you choose to go into the sun after spraying it on your hair, you must be careful not to apply this spray to your skin (scalp too). Please use proper sun protection at all times. Don't be dumb. Don't become a lobster. I love this spray, and I love what it does, but I want to be sure you are being safe and wise too. So here goes.

Lemon Chamomile Hair Glow Catcher.
  • A tinted 4oz spray bottle. The tint protects the oils inside from light, preserving their shelf life.
  • Young Living Lemon essential oil
  • 5 bags of high quality chamomile tea
  • 1 cup of distilled water
Bring the water to a boil and apply tea bags. Brew the tea until it is a dark amber color, and let it cool. Using a funnel, pour the tea into the spray bottle. Remove the funnel and add in 10 drops of lemon oil. Replace the top, and gently tilt the bottle back and forth to incorporate the ingredients.

Avoid spraying it on your scalp. Your scalp is skin too! Tilt you head forward, point the bottle at your hair and away from your face, and spritz. Use your hands to work the spray into your hair. Leave it on for however long you would like.  I leave mine in all day.

Enjoy the glow safely, babes.


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