Oils for Travel


 love to push my comfort zone, encountering new people, new cultures, and new perspectives.

Some of my favorite travel moments have been England to visit dear friends; Italy to run a Vacation Bible School and get in touch with my own heritage; Hawaii for three weeks of exploration; the Dominican Republic and St. Martin to rest; Japan for missions; Tanzania for work; Ireland for a solo adventure. God provided these opportunities to travel, and I am immensely grateful to Him. I come home from trips feeling refreshed, with a full spirit, fresh ideas and perspective. 

One of the reasons I became an entrepreneur is to have the financial freedom and time freedom to travel. Some of the other places on my Go-To list are: South Korea, China, Spain, Scotland, Thailand, Norway, British Columbia, Crete, Israel and Greece. I don’t know when I’ll get these stamps in my passport, but I do know that I will be taking oils with me. I never, never travel without my oils.

Can you get them through airport security? Absolutely. Keep them in a clear, quart-sized bag per TSA's regulations, and put them through the X-ray scanner like you would any other carry-on liquids. You can stow them in checked luggage.

So, let's do this. Here are 10 Young Living oily hacks for your next adventure, tried and tested by this road warrior. 

1. Thieves oil: I start taking Thieves Vitality a few days before my trip so I can support my immune system in advance. While traveling, I take a drop of Thieves Vitality every single day in a glass of water. 

2. Thieves Wipes: Oh these magical wipes! I use them to clean off dusty, stinky feet, wipe down hotel door handles and sinks, and clean out my faithful yet filthy suitcase. All of the power of Thieves is in these travel wipes. I may have also used them to freshen up in an Oxford dorm I rented because the showers were communal, unisex and the doors didn’t lock. NOPE! Thieves wipes it is.

3. Scarf Diffuser: If you're going to be on a 7-hour flight, you'll be exposed to some nastiness from fellow passengers, and you can’t run a diffuser mid-flight (obviously). Solution: 2-3 drops of Thieves oil on a scarf made of dark fabric (lemon in Thieves might stain white fabric). Rub the oil into the fabric and wrap it around your neck. As your skin warms the fabric, it diffuses the oils right below your nose. I’ve also done this with face masks and it worked so well. 

4. Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint Vitality Oils: The trinity of travel oils
  • Lemon - rub a drop in your hair so you smell fresh and bright while on the road, and Lemon Vitality is a delicious addition to water.
  • Lavender - supports your skin post-flight when applied neat to the face or with a carrier oil like coconut oil. It also helps chill you out when your connecting transportation is late.
  • Peppermint Vitality - put a drop on your tongue when you need a breath freshener. I also rub peppermint into my ankles when I’ve been on my feet all day to ‘cool my heels’.
5. Thieves Travel Toothpaste: Thieves is magical. So is the toothpaste. Young Living offers the toothpaste in 2oz tubes, so TSA will allow it in your carry-on bag. I keep a tube and toothbrush in my carry-on so I can brush my teeth on the plane before landing. This is a hippie hack - the toothpaste doubles as deodorant if you forget yours at home. Just squeeze a pea-sized dollop onto your fingers, smush it together, and apply under your arms. Wash your hands, and you have a deodorant. It’s not an antiperspirant, but you will smell minty and lovely all day. No stank here.

6. Orange Blossom Wash: I love this nontoxic facial wash. Pour some of the facial wash into a 3oz empty travel bottle (Target sells them for $1 each), fill 1/3 of the way with the wash. Fill the rest with water when you arrive at your destination. Its diluted but still extremely effective and gentle on your stressed out skin.

7. Ningxia Red and Ningxia Nitro: Under 3oz and a blessing when the jetlag hits. Ningxia is packed with antioxidants and essential oils to support your entire body, and tastes amazing. Think of Ningxia Nitro as fuel for your brain, and with Korean Ginseng and Yerba Mate oil, you will have the stamina to power through long days.

8. ART Sheet Masque: These sheet masques come in a 4-pack, but I just slip one into my checked luggage for when I arrive at my destination. Not only are they relaxing and scented with Young Living’s Stress Away blend, but they seep restorative nutrients into your skin after a long journey. Some of these nutrients include Frankincense resin, Phalaenopsis orchid extract, kelp, algae, and sea water (yes, sea water).

9. Copaiba Vanilla Conditioner: I have the driest hair and jumping from climate to climate, humidity to air conditioner does my curls zero good. In a 3oz travel container, I pour Copaiba Vanilla Conditioner. After showering at my destination, I apply a nickel-sized amount to the ends of my towel-dried hair, wrap it up in a bun or braid, and sleep with the conditioner in. In the morning, rinse it out and style like you normally would. It’s better than any hair masque you can buy at the store and free of chemicals. 

10. Slique Shake. Being on the road can bust up your healthy eating habits. These single-serve vegan protein shakes are berry flavored, deliver 16 grams of clean protein, and are easy to pack. I throw a couple in my suitcase, and pick up a little almond milk at the hotel convenience store or local grocery when I arrive. Most hotels and hostels have blenders, so maybe add a bit of fruit and you are good to go! 

BONUS: Glass water bottle. I wrap my empty glass bottle in a sweater and tuck it in my carry-on. Once through airport security, you can fill it with water from the fountain, and drop some Peppermint or Lemon Vitality in to keep your breath fresh and your body hydrated. Just be sure you empty it before going through security or you'll end up chugging it all in one go as I did, much to the amusement of the Heathrow TSA agents.

There you go, babes! Tried and true travel hacks with the greatest oils on the planet. I am flying to Utah tomorrow, so I better get packing!
Be well


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