Leave-In Hair Milk
I have curly hair.
Not wavy like I used to think. Curly. As in boing boing boing when the humidity hits. Curly as in 'please don't brush it, you've just made it angrier..." or "I can't do a topknot and look cute, I look like a frizzy Viking warrior who has not bathed in twelve years."

As is typical with this hair type, its also dry and prone to split ends. When I switched my hair care products to all natural, there was a HUGE shift in the texture and feel of my hair. A lot of that was the detox process, because your hair detoxes too. My curls suddenly became more defined, and there was less residue left over after washing it (department store shampoos/conditioners leave silicates and crappage in your locks). I still needed more locked-in moisture.

Behold, the leave-in conditioner. This conditioner has the consistency of milk, but I swear, there is no milk in it. It is vegan, cruelty free, and legit smells like a copy-cat Aveda conditioner. I put this on the ends of my hair just before getting out of the shower, and then comb it through. The first day of trying it out, my boss (another curly-haired lady) remarked "Your hair looks 'styled' but not like you styled it...like its just good." WIN!!!!

Leave In Hair Milk
Into a glass pump bottle (or a spritzer, whatever floats your boat), pour the conditioner and the E.O.'s. You may need to use a funnel for the conditioner and use a spoon to squish it down into the bottle. Fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water. 

Before using, be sure to give the bottle a gentle shake. Separation may occur, so give it a lil' toss and apply a nickle sized amount to the ends of damp hair. Comb through.


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