AminoWise Saves the Workout!
If you follow me on social media, you have definitely heard me talk about Aminowise before.

When it was unveiled at Convention 2017, I admit, I wasn't too excited. The men in my house chug all sorts of chalky beverages before their workouts, and although they are buff boys (so I reckon it works), I wasn't interested in swigging that chemical-laden, neon-colored swill before I went to the gym.

But then I learned Aminowise could help support lean muscle development and enhance performance during workouts. Girls, I'm in the gym at least four days a week, but wasn't seeing the results I wanted. I knew I wasn't wasting my time, but I needed some kind of boost. Aminowise is also sugar free, and is naturally flavored to taste like wolfberry (goji berry) lemonade without colors or added chemicals.
So, I picked up a container to give it a test.

I am NEVER going back. Ever. This stuff is on every order now. 
Ladies, I know we balk at going to the gym at all, but we've got to get our butts in there. Exercise is so important for your mental, physical, and emotional health. Don't tune out on me -  you don't have to be a bodybuilding competitor, but lifting weights (they can start off small!) is amazing for your bone health. And you feel good. And you look good. #SerotoninIsAHappyDrugYourBodyMakes #GoExerciseBabe

So, how can AminoWise help you during workouts? One little scoop in your water bottle can help optimize your workout recovery with its triple-targeted formula that aids muscle building and repair, and helps reduce muscle fatigue, replenishing important minerals lost during exercise. It is not chalky, and it tastes really good (I am not lying to you). Think of the taste of a 'a non-chemical' powdered berry lemonade drink. Not too sweet and very refreshing.

I've been using it over two months now and have noticed a huge change in how I perform during a workout session (specifically when I lift weights). This Monday, I was treated to a HIIT Circuit training with an amazing trainer. HIIT means you don't stop for over an hour, jumping from cardio straight to weights then to calisthenics and then repeat....yeah. She almost killed me, but sips of my Amino water pushed me through. I mentioned to my trainer that I was drinking aminos, and she said I was only the second person she had trained who knew what those were, and she LOVED them for exercise support. See? The experts know too.

Friends, at $33.00 a container for wholesale members, AminoWise is so worth trying out. Even if your type of exercise is a brisk stroll, a hot yoga session, a 2-mile light jog, or you're into powerlifting, this will support all of your hard work in big ways.

Check out the deets:
  • A synergistic complex of amino acids and antioxidants that helps with fatigue and enhances muscle recovery during and after exercise
  • A complex of antioxidants and minerals formulated to help reduce lactic acid induced by exercise
  • Formulated to aid in reducing muscle fatigue
  • Helps support the muscles during and after exercise to enhance recovery and performance
  • Helps support the production of nitric oxide, which can improve vascular blood flow
  • Contains branched chain amino acids, which have been shown to aid in preventing muscle catabolism from exercise
  • Formulated to support hydration by replenishing important minerals lost during exercise
  • Good source of vitamin E and zinc
  • Formulated with wolfberry powder
  • Flavored with Lemon and Lime essential oils
  • No preservatives, synthetic colors, or artificial flavors
  • No added sugar or artificial sweeteners


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